a bit about me:
My name is Theodora Stathi.
Friends and family call me Dora. I live in Adendro, a small village near Thessaloniki, Greece.
My fields of expertise are in hospitality and advertising.
More specifically, in hospitality, I have a long working experience at the Food & Beverage department. I started as a server and through the years I moved to the production and bar management areas as a barista and bar manager.
In the field of advertising, I have a deep knowledge and experience in the customer service department as well as at Social Media Marketing, E-mail Marketing, Web Design, Blogging and Content Creation.
I am a team player, very co-operative and not competitive at all, highly organized, methodical, typical, and analytical. I always target for the best in every situation.
I am decisive, persevering, and very professional in my manners. I think “out of the box”, a trait that helps me find solutions to problems that may occur during work.
I have a very good knowledge of the English language in all areas of communication, meaning, in written, vocal and listening comprehension.
I am self confident in the areas of my professional expertise and always open to learn more, improve my skills and become even better.
My skills also include effective time management, detail orientation, accuracy, high sense of responsibility and level of percipience.
As an optimistic human being, my inner drive is to always making my team mates as well as my customers feel positive and optimistic, no matter the possible disappointments and obstacles.
I have a natural tendency to uplift other peoples’ spirits and help them in any possible way. I am also very intuitive, a trait that always supports me in both my personal and professional relationships, decisions and duties.
Check out my Resume and Portfolio pages for more details.
It would be my pleasure to connect with you! Please go to Contact page for further information.
Thank you for your visit!